5 Easy Steps to Longer, Thicker Hair
At Revolution Hair & Beauty one of the most frequent questions, we get asked is how can I make my hair grow faster?
Well, the truth is, you can’t really make your hair grow faster. However, there are a few things you can do to minimize breakage and help your hair grow longer and thicker. Make these 5 easy changes to your hair care routine and you will be well on your way to longer, thicker hair!
1. STOP washing your hair
Yes, you heard me, stop washing your hair! You should wash your hair a minimum of 2 times per week and less if possible. As disgusting as this may sound to you. Washing your hair too often can strip the hair and scalp of many natural oils that your body works really hard to make! These oils provide natural protection for your hair and scalp and removing them leaves hair dry and prone to breakage. So, let your body do its thing, and stop interfering!

2. Go for SULFATE-FREE shampoo
Most shampoo products on the market contain sulfates (sometimes listed as SLS, or sodium lauryl sulfate on the ingredient list).
Sulfates are the ingredient that is responsible for the super-sudsy lather you get out of most shampoos. They are generally safe to use. And, they are a cheap way for manufacturers to make their shampoos foam up. However, sulfates have a very drying effect on the hair and scalp. A dry scalp means slower hair growth and dry strands are more prone to breakage.
A sulfate-free shampoo, such as KEVIN.MURPHY HYDRATE-ME.WASH, will have a gentle cleansing effect on the hair keeping your scalp and hair hydrated. Sounds expensive right? Wrong. Sulfate free shampoos are no more expensive than your standard salon shampoo.

3. Handle wet hair with CARE
Your hair is at its most fragile when it is wet. That basically means it’s much more vulnerable to tangles, split ends, and breakage, especially if you just shampooed it. When your hair is clean, your strands don’t have natural oils coating them to protect themselves.
Therefore, clean, wet hair is basically ripe for the breaking. Unfortunately, many of us take that clean, wet hair and do the same thing: We brush it. Brushing wet hair is super rough on the strands; you are basically begging for split ends.
Instead, you should detangle your hair with conditioner and comb gently with a wide-toothed comb or TANGLE TEEZER. Start from the ends and work your way up to the root, NEVER start at the top!

4. DITCH your hair straighteners
You can forget waiting for your hair to grow if you use your straighteners all the time. It is never going to happen.
You literally have to choose… straighteners or long, thick hair? Which do you want more?
Hair straighteners are lethal for your hair. They cause dryness, brittleness, split ends and breakage. The sooner you ditch them the better. Yes, I know, this might be scary for some but your stylist will advise you on easy ways to style your hair heat free and when you see the difference, you will never touch your straighteners again, we promise!
5. Trim your hair REGULARLY
You knew this one was coming right? How many times have you heard a hairdresser say “if you want your hair to grow you have to trim your hair regularly!”
It just doesn’t make sense! How can cutting your hair off make it grow? Must hairdressers just say it to get more money right? Wrong! Let me explain why:
As your hair grows the ends of your hair become weaker. This is due to the weather, styling, brushing or any other factors. When the end of a strand of hair is weak, it will either break or split. A split end is likely to travel up the hair making it even weaker, and it will eventually break off a lot higher up. To avoid this, it is important to keep the ends of your hair trimmed and strong (every 6-8 weeks) so that your hair can grow to its full potential.

If you’d like some more advice on how to keep your hair healthy, you can ask a stylist for free advice at Revolution.